Information Security and Ethical Hacking have broad topics to cover and an individual needs to take his or her time in terms of years to learn and master a few things in the chosen field. However, learning new things and spending days and years researching to these fields is worthy of an individual’s time, we can also thank the security researchers and professionals that continuously spending their time researching and sharing their findings on the Internet that helped us to catch up with the latest threats that will affect the security of our assets and other important things that are saved in our electronic devices and to our physical resources.
There are still a lot of good things in learning and researching Infosec and Ethical Hacking to talk about but since this is my very first blog post, I will only introduce myself and share what made me get into learning Infosec and Ethical Hacking.
Okay, so my name is Kyle, an Information Technology graduate. I have experience in developing web applications using PHP programming language and Laravel PHP framework. I just got into hacking just one month ago when my friend shared a site in which you need to hack the invitation code for you to be able to register to the site. The name of the said website is Hack the Box. You can see what this site offers by visiting this link. So when I had free time, I started hacking and enumerating the possibilities to generate the invitation code, and after a few days, I was able to get the invitation code and that really made me feel excited and motivated to continue hacking. He also invited me to their community full of talented professionals and security enthusiasts, and I was able to get all the learning resources that helped me a lot.
Time has passed and now I am here, I was able to hack some boxes in Hack the Box website and I really learned a lot of new things and techniques. I was also able to hack some vulnerable VMs provided by this site called Vulnhub. Now, I am dedicated to learning new more things and will share all my learnings for the others to use and importantly I will also use it as my cheat-sheet if I don’t remember a certain topic.
So that’s it for now, I hope I can continuously learn and share new more things to this blog and of course I will keep myself motivated to research and read books about Infosec and Ethical Hacking to get the fundamentals and skills that I need.
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